Basic Examples:
# Search for files or directories with the exact name "example.txt" in the current directory (and its subdirectories).
find . -name "example.txt"
# Find all directories in the "/home" directory.
find /home -type d
# Search for files owned by the user "john" in the "/data" directory.
find /data -user john
# Find all files with the extension ".txt" in the current directory and download them using `curl`.
find . -type f -name "*.txt" -exec curl -O {} \;
Intermediate Examples:
# Extract specific content from a webpage using `curl` and `sed`.
curl | sed -n 's/<p>\(.*\)<\/p>/\1/p'
# Find all directories in the "/home" directory and count the number of files in each using `find` and `wc`.
find /home -type d -exec sh -c 'echo -n "{}: "; find "{}" -type f | wc -l' \;
# Find all files modified in the last 7 days and perform an HTTP POST request with their content using `find`, `curl`, and `xargs`.
find . -type f -mtime -7 -print0 | xargs -0 -I{} curl -X POST -d @{}
# Search for files with the extension ".log" in the "/var/logs" directory, compress them, and store in a backup folder using `find`, `curl`, and `tar`.
find /var/logs -type f -name "*.log" -exec tar czvf /backup/logs_backup.tar.gz {} \;
Advanced Examples:
# Find all files in the current directory larger than 10MB and delete them using `find` and `rm`.
find . -type f -size +10M -exec rm {} \;